Congregation 2005

The Church and Congregation


1955 – The Church Reactivated
On October 20, acting pastor Rev. Shotwell notified members that the church had been dissolved by presbytery. A petition was signed by thirteen adults asking presbytery to reactivate the church. At the fall Presbytery meeting in Hawthorne, Nevada, Presbytery granted authority to reorganize the Lamoille church. With this last reorganization, the word “Community” was added officially to the church’s name to reflect the community of faith that had kept the valley’s church alive by people of all denominations. The next day, the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Laying of the Cornerstone was celebrated.
1970 – Major Restoration of Church​
​Through the combined efforts of the Lamoille Church Restoration Committee, the Lamoille Women’s Club, the Lamoille Mizpah Society, and donations in time and money from church members and residents of Elko County, over $7,000 was raised to restore the “Little Church of the Crossroads” to its former beauty.
1988 – Reverend Richard L. Davis
Under “Pastor Dick’s” leadership, church membership continued to grow. For the first time, the Lamoille church was able to become financially independent from Mission funds, and was able to have a full-time pastor. The stability Rev. Davis provided enabled the church to expand programs for children and adults. Some holiday traditions began that included Halloween parties and hayride; a Thanksgiving Service; Hanging of the Green; a Live Nativity; candlelight Christmas Eve service; Seder Dinner, and Easter vigil.  Rev. Davis led the church through a major remodeling project that included a fellowship hall, meeting rooms, offices, and classrooms.
1993 – Groundbreaking for Second Addition
Session members and the Building Committee launched the groundbreaking ceremony for the second building addition on August 15, 1993. 
1994 -  Dedication Service
A Dedication service for the new addition of the Fellowship Hall and Christian Education Classrooms took place in the church yard. At a cost of $197,000., the two story, 30 x 40 sq. ft. annex provided classrooms, nursery, office space, and a large fellowship hall.
2005 - 100th Anniversary
The 100th anniversary of the dedication of the church was celebrated through October and early November 2005 with an art show, a church open house, and guest pastors who participated in the Sunday worship service. Once again this community of faith rejoiced.

Building the Church July 1905

The Little Church Of The Crossroads


1872 - First church service in Lamoille
​The Sacramento Presbytery began sending out missionaries to establish churches in towns linked by the Central Pacific Railroad. On July 21, 1872, the Reverend Charles D. Roberts expanded his usual preaching circuit between Elko, Carlin, and Palisades to include the little community of Lamoille. A small group of men, women and children gathered together for Sunday service.
1890 – Organization of The First Presbyterian Church of Lamoille
During a service on October 19, 1890 at the Lamoille School House, the decision was made to organize a church in Lamoille. The following week, on October 26, 1890, at 7:00 p.m. the Reverend James M. McComb accepted nine people into the newly organized First Presbyterian Church of Lamoille.  
1904 – Reorganization of Lamoille church
On September 18, 1904, George Henry Greenfield called together a congregational meeting for the purpose of reorganizing the Lamoille church. Five of the original nine members were still with the church from the time it was first organized. At the meeting, the newly elected trustees welcomed Rev. Greenfield as their new pastor. Church services were to be held one Sunday morning a month, and plans were made to build a church in Lamoille.  
1905 – Laying of the CornerstoneWork on the new edifice was begun in July and by August preparations were being made for the laying of the cornerstone. All of Elko was invited, with transportation, meals, and lodging made available for the occasion. On August 6, 1905, over two hundred people from the community and surrounding valleys gathered just before sunset to witness the laying of the cornerstone.  
1940 – Lamoille Church Closed
​By 1940, the infrequency of services and a general decline in population led to the closure of the Lamoille church.1947 – Services ResumedIn June of 1945, the Rev. James Baird and his family arrived to take charge of the churches in Elko and Lamoille. By 1947, evening services were held on alternate Saturdays, and Sunday School was resumed. Repairs to the church building were made.
1954 – Lamoille Church Dissolved
For so many years, only a handful of people kept the church repaired as best they could. By the mid 1950s the average attendance at services was about twelve. Although the building was being maintained, the Nevada Presbytery, believing the congregation was just too small to sustain the church and pastor, dissolved the church at the crossroads on April 3, 1954.